Course curriculum

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    • Welcome Details

    • This Land

    • We Welcome You

    • Pre-Class Reflection: Letter to the land

    • Video: About ASP," ASP Crew 2022

    • ASP Care Teams

    • Questions

    • Media Literacy

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    • "It's okay," by adrian michael

    • What is identity?

    • Pre-Class Video: Shifting Seats - An Une Bonne Mort Presentation

    • Pre-Class Reflection: Identity

    • Pre- Class Reflection: Privilege and Power Wheel

    • Pre-Class Activity: What are some of the ways that you identify?

    • Pre-Class Video: "I will be a Hummingbird," Wangari Maathai

    • Areas of Care

    • Examples of Care Team Support

    • Resources: Identity & Bias

    • Questions

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    Cultural Humility

    • What is Cultural Humility?

    • Lifelong Commitment to Self-Evaluation and Self-Critique

    • A Desire to Fix Power Imbalances Where None Ought to Exist

    • Partnership with Other Groups Who are Advocating & Working for Systemic Change

    • Pre-Class Video: Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practices," Vivian Chávez

    • Questions

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    Accountability & Consent

    • Pre-Class Reflection: Boundaries

    • Defining Consent

    • What is Consent?

    • Defining Accountability

    • Pre-Class Video: Consent as Accountability

    • Pre-Class Reflection: Consent & Accountability

    • Resources: Consent Conversations

    • Questions

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    • How the Listening Line Came to Be

    • Caregiving under the influence of harm reduction

    • Listening to a space

    • Listening Activity

    • Tips for Listeners

    • Pre-Class Activity: Reflection on the listening activity

    • Resources: Mental Health & Suicidality

    • A well resourced person

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    • Thank you